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1.      合同方信息需要明晰

This contract is between Owner XXXX and Renter XXX

2.   合同签订日期条款

This contract for the rental of a venue is made MM/DD/YYYY

3.      合同目的条款

Renter desires to rent the Owner's venue for the purpose of XXXXXX

4.      场地地址条款

Owner's venue located at XXXXXX

5.      租金条款

The rental fee shall be XXXXXXX

6.      租金支付方式条款

The Renter shall pay to the Owner the sum of XXXXX no later than MM/DD/YYYY

7.      押金条款

The Renter shall pay to the Owner non-refundable deposit the amount, XXXX

8.      场地使用期限条款

The Renter shall have use the venue from MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY

9.      钥匙交付条款

Owner shall provide to Renter all keys no later than MM/DD/YYYY.

10.   承租人义务条款

Renter shall remove all personal property, trash, and other items that were not present in the venue when Renter took control of it.

11.   承租人责任条款

Renter will be liable for any physical damages, legal actions, and/or loss of reputation or business opportunities that Owner may incur as a consequence of the actions of Renter or any of Renter's guests while Renter is in control of the venue, and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner against any and all legal actions which may arise from Renter's use of the venue.


英国 曼彻斯特领区 中国学生和学者 法律援助中心 版权所有